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5 Strategies for Improving Employee Satisfaction

Employees frequently bear a substantial burden in a tight labor market, with 59% reporting being asked to take on additional responsibilities without a pay increase or promotion. They may also need to work with limited resources and, worst of all, could ultimately face layoffs.

Even in workplaces not currently undergoing restructuring and layoffs, have you noticed a decline in employee satisfaction? If so, we’ve developed some practical and effective strategies that will help improve your team’s engagement.

Offer Competitive Pay and Benefits

According to a recent Gallup poll, most U.S. employees said pay is a top reason for accepting a job offer. In a time when workers face ever-increasing prices at the grocery store, gas pump, physician’s office, etc. competitive compensation and benefits can be a game-changer.

Nurture a Positive Work Culture

Employees who feel like they have an opportunity to grow personally and professionally are likely to feel better about themselves, their work, and your business. In fact, 94% of surveyed employees reported they would stay with a company that offers training and development opportunities.

Create a Positive Company Culture and Community

Positive company cultures typically include the following:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Transparency
  • Learning-focused
  • Supportive leadership

You have probably heard a lot of buzz about “company culture.” It is more than a mere buzzword. A strong company culture is a carefully curated blend of a business’s values, beliefs, traditions, attitudes, and behaviors. This sense of community helps everyone feel welcome and committed to the company’s efforts.

Recognize and Reward Employee Contributions

Everyone wants to feel like their efforts and accomplishments are valued. Monitoring, acknowledging, and rewarding employee wins is a great way to boost job satisfaction. Positive reinforcement like this is extremely effective.

Offer Opportunities for Social Interactions

The “water cooler” phenomenon has existed for decades because we all need human connection. We should collaborate and communicate more frequently than just during lunch hour, so consider allowing employees to greet each other and form connections at work.

We Offer Workforce Strategies That Ensure Job Satisfaction

It can be difficult to balance managing your company's core competencies and employee satisfaction at the same time.

At Surge, we can help you keep employees happy, satisfied, and on your payroll. Our team works with talent in your area who are ready and eager to work according to your requirements.

Contact us to learn how we can ensure you have a full roster of satisfied employees on demand.

  1. https://www.gallup.com/workplace/512063/tight-labor-market-employees-bear-burden.aspx
  2. https://www.gallup.com/workplace/389807/top-things-employees-next-job.aspx
  3. https://www.devlinpeck.com/content/employee-training-statistics